
Authentic Self.

Unexpectedly, this April marks the 8th anniversary of this blog. And to be honest, I'm grateful for having started this blog, but at the same time I realized, how bad I am as a (self-claimed) blogger. I haven’t blogged in so long. Constantly neglect this blog just because I have no idea what to write about. Even more, it got me frustrated when I couldn't come up with a post idea. Almost enough to make me give up on it, until I realized that something had to change. 
I've always considered myself as a “visual person”. I tend to find it’s always more interesting, simple and fun to deliver any ideas in visual content, instead of full text content. For that reason, this might be another beginning for Fashion-Maverick. I feel like I’ve come out of my break refreshed with a new creative direction, and that makes me excited. 
From now, this blog content will be mainly focusing on images and also will have some new features, about anything that I find uncommonly interesting. I might also share some glimpse of exciting experiences of my work, as a freelance stylist and a full-timer in one of Indonesian lifestyle magazine company, doing event project management. 
This will be my last post with full text content. To wrap it up, I do really hope with this whole new “blog reinventing” could share some new ideas and inspirations to you.

photographed by Hans Havilah

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